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Friday, September 28, 2012

Anything But Easy

          My weight has been an issue for me for roughly the past 10 years. Actually, it became an issue for me after it became an issue for others. I used to look fabulous, but unfortunately I never knew it. I listed to the few assholes in school who would refer to me as "fat ass Paula" and my father who would constantly remind me when I was gaining. It's a shame that I was never able to appreciate what I had when I had it. 
         In college I gained, after college it continued into my marriage, and now into motherhood I'm unrecognizable. For me, my weight issue was never a vanity issue. If that were the case I would have never let myself get to this point. I don't look in the mirror every day and hate myself... but I do struggle to get dressed without the feeling of failure every day. I get out of bed limping because my ankles and feet are over loaded with this body that they have to carry around. It hurts to walk. It hurts to walk.. I'm 29 with a 1 and 3 year-old. This has got to stop and it stops now. 
         This past June I woke up one day and put on one of my moo-moo dresses that I know I shouldn't wear in public but do because it's too hot for anything else and I've been to fat for shorts for about 6 years. The chafing that an overweight woman deals with in the summer is miserable. There isn't enough baby powder in the world that can keep those legs from rubbing together. I'm scarred from it. My skin bled. Forget embarrassing, it was unbelievably painful and that's all that mattered. And that was the deciding factor for me. I decided on hot ass afternoon as I laied in bed because I couldn't walk without my thighs bleeding that I was going to get Lapband. I wasn't going to spend another summer like this. It was the final battle I would have with this body. 

       So this blog is about my journey. I know that many people think this is extreme, unnecessary, and taking the easy way out. I couldn't care less about what others think. I'm doing this now because I have a 30% chance of making it to 60 years-old and that's not good enough for me. I'm doing this because I have two babies and a wonderful man who deserve better a happy, healthy, leader in their family. I'm doing this because I know myself. I know that I will continue to gain year after year if I don't do this. And I'm also doing this because I can't wait to say good bye to that bitch Lane Bryant! Enough of her and her over priced clothes. 

I just turned 29 last week and it was the last fat birthday I'll have. I'm going into my 30's a better person!