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Wednesday, December 12, 2012

In a Funk

It's funny, last week I didn't look at the scale at all, instead I looked in the miror. I liked what I saw. I felt great, my clothes were big, and I was getting complements. Then I went to weigh in Friday and saw that I gained 2lbs. I already talked about this when I blogged Friday, so I won't dwell on it but it's just amazing how quickly your self image can change. This week I've been depressed and feeling like shit. I feel as fat as I did when I started even though I know that's not the case.

Bryan hasn't been losing like he should either, but it's no fault of his own. I watch him eat, and he eats much less than I do. After a few bites he has to stop so he doesn't get sick. He is eating his protein, yet not seeing the results he should. He is frustrated and I feel bad for him. The Dr. was shocked that he hasn't lost more. It's been about 3 weeks where he is at a stand still. Now that he is completely healed from surgery he can get active so we are both focusing on that. It has to be a way of life for us. I think the problem with him, more than myself is that since he is only eating 600cal/day his body is wondering "what the F7$# is happening?!" and his metabolism is shutting down. Usually most people just lose and lose for the first year without even trying with his surgery. Mine is a much slower process and takes work every day. I hope he see's some changes quickly because it's very hard emotionally, especially after dealing with such a physical change. He is having to order all new clothes.. SMALLER clothes so that's a positive!

Mean while, my food has been getting stuck left and right. Usually once or twice a day it gets stuck. I'm still not able to throw it up when that happens, lord knows I've tried. It passes eventually but for those few minutes I'm in so much pain. I need to SLOW DOWN and chew everything better. I STILL haven't changed the way I eat.. I think I can just inhale something and I can't.

We have been going to parties every weekend for over a month... and they continue for the next few weeks. We really need to limit the alcohol, not drink our calories, and lay off all of the really good party food! Wish us luck!

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