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Friday, January 4, 2013

Stay Positive and Keep Moving

Weigh In day and I'm STILL at 230lbs sigh. My expectations are too high I'm gathering. Wednesday after Zumba, a couple of my girlfriends and I went to Roller Derby Boot Camp. It consisted of an hour of off skate training, and an hour on skates. I swear I spent more time laughing than anything but it was a good work out. I'm not going to lie.. there were times when I wanted to say "fuck this, I'm done" but for some reason I want to go back for more. It's twice a week through the month of January, so it's a good way to get in shape before our trip to CA. It's also something I would normally never do, so I want to prove to myself that I can do it. I'm the the worst runner there of course, but I know I'll be able to do a little bit more each time I go. I'm feeling muscles that I never knew were there. Whatever we are doing there certainly seems to be helping in my c-section area, which I thought was hopeless.

Bryan and I went to a new support group last night. Like the other one, this one consisted of Bypass patients. I REALLY wish I had some lap band support. There was a woman there who just didn't get it. She had her surgery 9 months ago, and has lost 65lbs or so, which doesn't sound like very much considering they are supposed to lose a lot much faster than Bryan or I. She also refuses to watch her calories, focus on protein, or exercise. I wanted to shake her and ask her why she even bothered to have surgery. You can't just have surgery and think all of your problems will go away. You still have to put in the work EVERY DAY. It put things into perspective for me. I know that we're in the right direction, but I also know we could be doing better.. particularly me and my sugar intake. But over all, we are doing just fine. I think that I'm going to weigh myself every two weeks rather than every week.

Meanwhile my rings are falling off. They always loosen up a little in the winter, but now I'm worried about them falling off completely. Bryan is having the same problem. I've had to reverse my engagement ring with my wedding band to prevent the ring from falling off. It's REALLY weird to wear them this way but I'll get used to it. My right hand rings are basically falling off. Eventually I'll get my rings sized in a year or two.

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