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Tuesday, January 1, 2013

The Holidays are Over!

Happy Holidays.. especially happy that they are over! Christmas was fun this year especially having kids that are so young, but I'm glad all of the pressure is off! I've managed to stay at the same weight give or take two pounds. I would gain 2 one week, lose them the next.. I'm stuck in between 230lbs and 232lbs. Could be worse, but could certainly be better.

Eating is still tough. We had prime rib for Christmas Eve and I had to throw it up. I had to chew it 50 times to break it down and is still got stuck. Christmas Day was tough too.. couldn't eat much food at all.. but surprisingly the cookies went down just fine! That is where I'm getting into trouble. I need to make better decisions. I found some good protein shakes that are only 160cal and 30gm of protein. I'm now planning on having those for two meals a day.

Some of my girlfriends and I have come up with a game plan to start the year off well. We all belong to the same gym and have planned a schedule to try their classes. Tomorrow night is the beginning. Zumba and then Roller Derby Boot Camp! Bryan quickly dismissed the idea of me doing Roller Derby Boot Camp because he knows that I'm a complete wimp, but I'm going to try to prove him wrong.

Next week I have to go back up to Buffalo for a fill. I'm still not sure if I should have a fill, since my food has been getting stuck a lot lately.

I've been reading this book.. I got it for Bryan for Christmas but really it's for both of us..

Bryan by the way is doing well. His numbers on the scale still aren't great but his cloths look ridiculous on him now, they are falling off. I bought him smaller pants for Christmas and they are too big already, so that has to feel good. He has decided to give up alcohol since he knows it's a big part of why he isn't losing like he should. I'm going to too. I'll only allow myself a glass of skinny wine after I reach a weight loss goal, rather than drinking a bottle a weekend.

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