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Monday, January 21, 2013

weigh in yay!!

Friday was weigh in day and it was a good one!! I weighed in at 225lbs. The previous Tuesday when I went for my fill I was at 233lbs. My hard work is paying off!

I've cut down on my portions and truly am eating 2 oz meals. I've also been active as ever. Zumba 3 times a week, and 4 hrs of roller derby a week is awesome. My body is adjusting well and getting faster and stronger everyday. I've decided to stay with the derby and eventually try out for the team. The derby babes are very supportive and have faith in us new girls which is encouraging. Every practice I'm getting faster and I can really see the differences.

Bryan started working out and is really seeing changes! He is down 3 pant sizes and looks so different. I can see it the most when he doesn't have clothes on, I've never seen his body like this.

My short term goal is ton get under 200lbs. I haven't been there in 8years.. Omg really!? 8 years!? That's a long time to be so unhappy and unhealthy. Never again.

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