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Friday, October 12, 2012

1 Day Post Op

      I'm banded! I can't believe it's in.. well I can believe it, considering the discomfort I'm in. My surgery was at noon yesterday, I was discharged around 10am today. This surgery was the nastiest as far as the immediate effects. Don't get me wrong, my c-sections were MUCH worse as far as healing, but this is totally different. The nausea was unreal! Normally I have a little of that from the anesthesia, but this was because of the band around my stomach. The Dr warned me about swelling around the stomach and that's what I'm feeling. The pain isn't terrible. I have 4 little incisions that I can't even feel, even the one around my port. Like I said, the discomfort is all inside.. every sip of liquid I take I can feel it going into my little swollen pouch.
      Anyone who has had abdominal surgery knows that the worst part is the day or so after when you're waiting to fart. Yeah, I said it.. waiting to fart! I've never wanted to fart so bad in my life! The gas that is pushing it's way through my body is VERY painful. Once this passes.. literally, I'll be feeling good. I'm certainly not hungry yet. I'm sipping 1oz of liquid every 10-15 minutes.. or at least I should be. I've been sleeping so much that I forget to drink like I should. For now I'm on clear liquids still for a few days which sounds like tourcher, but when you're stomach hurts like it does, you really don't miss food.. not yet anyway.
      I feel differently already. I'm so aware of my pouch. If I start to drink too much to fast I feel it... If I burp, I really feel it. I have to really remember that I can't just shove something down my throat. I started to suck on hard (sugar free of course) candy because I have awful dry mouth, and I quickly started to chew it and swallow it without even thinking. I can't do stuff like that anymore. It's nice to be home, and I'm TRYING to enjoy this time with no household responsibility but it's not that easy. Of course I can't just sit back and let Bryan handle it, I have to point out how I can do it better, or easier.. I may do us all a favor and sedate myself and go to bed.

Here are my before pictures. I can't believe I'm posting these either but why not? I'll never be back here again. Good Lord they aren't pretty.. but here I am, the morning of surgery!


  1. Congratulations Paula, I know it's going to be a long road and I give you a lot of credit. I can't handle even a 3 day diet. Can't wait to see the "after" pics!!

  2. You are one of the bravest/ strongest people I know!

  3. Very proud of you for honestly blogging about all that you're going through!!
