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Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Time for Work!

Twenty pounds down from the start of this journey!! Twenty pounds is a LOT for most, but for me it's just the beginning. None the less, it feels good! To those who see me all the time, I may not look that different, but I absolutely notice the differences. My legs are thinner, and I'm wearing pants I haven't worn in almost a year. My love handles have shrunk, and my gunt is much smaller! That is usually the first thing to shrink up! For those who don't know what I'm talking about:
Gunt: 1). noun.
A protruding sack of fat which extends from the lower abdomen to the upper genital area (gut+cunt=gunt).

I'm moving into the mushy food stage. I'm not sure exactly what that is, I'll have to research. I've been doing well with fat free cottage cheese and baked potato's. No problems getting them down, or keeping them down.  

I'm trying to focus on my protein and water intake.. I know i'm not getting enough. I'm drinking my liquids in my wine glasses because it's my favorite way to drink. It helps me sip them rather than gulp.

I'm feeling good, and it's time to get to work. I need to get to the gym and get into a routine. I'm NOT going back. The 20lbs that are off are 20lbs I will never see on this body again, but that's only going to happen if I work for it. The band will help me to gradually lose the weight, but if I want the weight to come off consistently, and stay off I need to make the life style change. I'll be getting a trainer this week at the new gym I joined. I'll be forcing myself to get up at 4am and go to the gym. Yes I'm serious. It's the only time I'll have in the day to do it. It's going to suck big time at first but I'll get there.

PS.. I can't believe I posted a pic of my incisions. Every time I see that I cringe.

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