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Friday, November 30, 2012

Finally Restricted!

Weigh In day- 232lbs yay! I'm almost out of the 230's which is amazing since I started in the high 250's. I was around 225 when we got married, and before I had kids so that is my short term goal for now. Then I'll strive for under 200 (which was collage days) and so on.

I'm REALLY feeling the restriction which is a GOOD thing! I can't eat more than half cup of food at a time, otherwise I'll pay for it. The feeling of it getting stuck is awful. I just had some crackers and dip and after 3 that was it.. I could feel the food getting backed up. My brain wanted more. I wanted to sit and finish all of the dip but I couldn't. That is what I'm getting used to this week. My brain being told "NO! Knock it off!"  by my band.

It's not easy but I'm learning what is comfortable and what is over doing it.

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