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Saturday, November 10, 2012

Weigh In day & First Fill!

     Yesterday was weigh in day and I'm back down to 237. I was up 4lbs last week. The numbers on the scale have been very frustrating. The good news is that I unexpectedly got my first fill yesterday!  I was at Bryan's follow up appointment with him yesterday, and they asked me if I wanted my fill then rather than waiting 2 weeks. I'm 4 weeks post op and I wasn't not having any restriction so of course I said YES!  I didn't know what to expect and was trying not to be nervous.
      They had me lay down on the table and my Dr. felt around for my port by pushing on my abdomen. That was probably the most painful part of it really. He had me do a small sit up to tighten up my abdomen and better expose the port sight. Then I looked as he grabbed the needle. It looked like a long narrow tube. He put it in with a poke, and I could feel it pop into the port. Then he then put 2cc's of saline in which was a weird feeling, and that was it. It was just a poke really. He said the average person needs 6cc's or so, but he wants to fill me 2 at a time since I live 1.5hrs away. I felt really tight right after. I tried to have cottage cheese and it just sat there in my pouch and was very uncomfortable.  I'm supposed to be back on liquids for a couple days. I'm excited for more weight loss. My next fill is Dec 11th. I'm hoping that by having two fills before Christmas I'll be able to reach my goal of 217 by New Years.

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