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Monday, November 12, 2012

Self Control, and Self Motivation

     A few days after my fill and the weight is starting to come off again, which is encouraging. Having only 2cc's really doesn't feel restrictive at all. Here and there I'll feel tight, but over all I think I can still over eat if I let myself. I'm really having to control myself, stop eating before I'm full, and remember to drink my water. It's having to retrain yourself on everything. It's not easy. I track my food on which is an easy way to keep myself in check. Below is what I had for dinner. Bryan and I now only eat on our small plates. I eat the protein first, then veggie, then carb. I had to stop and couldn't finish my potato or carrots.

I've started exercising again. I like to do Just Dance at home. I have 1-4 and they are all tons of fun! They have a Just Sweat section that really makes you work hard. I recommend it for sure. Also I'm at the gym a couple days a week doing weights.

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