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Friday, November 2, 2012

Over Eating

Three weeks ago yesterday I was banded. I'm feeling pretty good over all. I'm back to eating regular foods which is nice, but dangerous. Because my stomach is no longer swollen, and my band is open all the way I'm able to eat large portions, without getting sick. Last night I went to dinner with my girlfriends at Red Lobster and I over ate. I ate a serving of asparagus, about 3 oz of chicken breast, 4 scallops, and about a table spoon of mashed potatoes. I also had 1/3 of a biscuit. I didn't feel sick, just really full and uncomfortable afterwords. I'm really looking forward to a fill so that I won't be able to do this. Even though that's probably a good portion for most, I need to be around 600 cal/ day until I reach my goal weight. That sounds impossible but it's normal with the band. So it's nice to have the freedom back again to eat what I want, but I'm still a fat girl at heart and I really need to watch it until I get my fill.

My husband had the gastric sleeve procedure yesterday. He is doing well, not in pain.. although unlike when I was here three weeks ago, he gets a morphine pump. The incisions aren't a big deal, the pain is all internal, much like my procedure. We are waiting for Dr. Pham to come in and give him the OK to go home. He will be off work for a week, and has to be very careful not to over do it when it comes to eating and drinking because his remaining stomach is stapled back together, and he doesn't want to pop one out of place.

Many people we know think we're nuts I'm sure. I've had people ask me "Don't you think just diet and exercise would work?". That makes me laugh every time. The idea of it would, but after battling it for 10+ years each, and getting fatter every year, obviously it's not going to work. What many healthy people don't understand is that after you've overloaded your body like we have, it is incredibly painful to exercise. I'm not talking, it's hard, I don't want to do it. I mean literally getting out of bed, or walking up stairs is awfully painful. Our feet, ankles, knees, hips.. awful. I knew I needed surgery when it because excruciating to take a walk around my neighborhood. But those days are over for us. As the weight comes off on it's on with the help from our surgeries, we won't feel that pain that prevented us from being able to work out. The biggest factor in all of this is the will to succeed.

1 comment:

  1. Hi! Thank you for visiting my blog. How interesting that you and your husband are going through this weight loss journey together! so cool! :)
