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Tuesday, November 20, 2012


I had a very busy (yet awesome) weekend so I'm very behind on my blog. Last Friday was weigh in day and I was at 236lbs, which was only a 1lb loss. I thought it was more but I was wrong. Since my first fill I haven't had much restriction at all. I called the Dr and have an appointment for Nov 27th to get another fill. I was supposed to have it done on Dec 11th but I don't want to wait that long. I've been frustrated lately and I'm really trying to tell myself to relax. If I can maintain a 1-2lb loss weekly, that would be pretty great.

My BFF was in town from CA this past weekend and boy did we celebrate! I really don't think I over ate much, but what I did eat, wasn't the healthiest of options and I did drink alcohol. The Dr told us to wait a year and come on... that's just not realistic. I didn't drink much, but I did expect it to affect me more than it did. I though for sure that I would get drunk quickly.. I didn't. That was disappointing. I was really hoping I would be able to save some money and calories when it comes to alcohol, but now I'm really going to have to discipline myself. I didn't track any of my food this weekend. I have to get back into that. I've been slacking, and I have my period so I don't feel motivated to do anything but lay on the couch and eat chocolate.

Hoping tomorrow is a better day, I felt awful today.

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