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Monday, November 26, 2012

Weigh In Day.. a few days late

I've been so bad about keeping up with my blog lately and I'm not happy about it. With the holidays here I've been racing around non stop. No more excuses.

Friday was my weigh in day and I was at 234! Yahoo! The week before I had partied like a rock star and somehow I still managed to lose 2lbs. Tomorrow I'm going for my second fill. I wasn't supposed to get filled until the 11th but I can't see the point in waiting that long when I only have 2cc's in me now.

I'm seeing changes every day and it's exciting! I've started tracking my measurements again.

                           Bust/Chest    Waist    Hip         Butt       Upper Thigh
Date of Surgery:       48.5           43       52        59.25            31
Today :                    46.75         40      50.5       57.5          30.25

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